Friday, January 2, 2009

How Far Will You Go To Show Your Loyalty To God?

Today, I was driving down the road listening to the Michael Baisden Show. At the time I was facing a big test in my own life and I was trying to figure what should I do. Then I heard Michael say this out of the blue,"this sister called in and said her girlfriend just had her lights cut off because she decided to pay her tithe what (zodiac) sign is this girl"? "She payed her tithe and her lights got cut off and it's 30 degrees outside what sign is she"?. Most of you probably heard the show. This perhaps wasn't his exact words, but it's close. I set back and said to myself, hmmm. What would I had have done if I was in her situation. It wasn't no more than 45 minutes later when I found myself faced with a situation where I to had to make a critical choice. Most people today would say is that girl out of her mind. But, the question that wrapped around my brain was," how far will you go or any of us go to show our loyalty to God?

Christianity is defined as belief in Jesus as the Christ and upon his teachings. When one truly believes they act upon there beliefs. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. In other words show me and the world as a witness. Did Jesus teach loyalty? He was so loyal to His Father that He was willing to be nailed to a cross. Wow! In today's world such an act would be absolutely,100% and without a doubt insane. But, is it really? God is going to test us or allow us to be tested to see if we really believe what we profess to believe. He's going to test us so that we may see ourselves faithful and strong or unfaithful and weak. If we don't believe and are weak, he's going to help us to get stronger. The testing draws us closer to him. When the Christian is unfaithful this separates him from God. Friends,remember Job? In the book of Job chapter 1 verse 7 it says," And the Lord said to Satan, whence cometh thou". Satan says," From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it". Then God says to Satan, "Hast thou considered my servant Job, there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and a upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil". Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought (nothing)".

Now, who gave Satan the invitation to consider Job? Was it not God? God is not cruel. God loves us like he loved Job. God knew Job very well. He said to Satan that Job he was perfect, upright, one that feared him and eschewed evil. So, Satan sought to prove God wrong. Friends, to make a long story short Job lost his children, sheep, camels, houses and servants. Job friends were miserable comforters. They blame Job for his sufferings. Job's body was covered with boils that caused him much pain. Mrs. Job told him to curse God and die (Job2:9). Job remained loyal to God through it all. Satan was allowed to do almost everything to Job. But, he was not allowed to kill him. Job's loyalty to God was tested. But, why did God allow this? We may never know. But, it is evident that God was trying to show Satan that this man was going to be loyal to him until the end. Regardless, of what Satan would do to him, his belongings and his people, he would remain loyal. My friends God put this story in the Bible for you and I.

In these tough economic times Satan will try to steal our joy. He will try to kill us. He wants to and will try to destroy us because he know that hell and death is meant for him and angels. He wants to get every human to follow him to try to justify his rebellion in heaven. Satan says that God is unfair with his laws and actions. This was perhaps written so that we might understand that a Christian will go through trials, temptations and tribulation. We have to come to the conclusion that we will not get off this planet unscaved (unscratched or not marked). This perhaps was also written so that we may see that God is fair and the real cruel one is Satan. Our loyalty will be tested. Tithing maybe a test for some. But, the test for others maybe something else.

We may have to be cold for a little while. We might have to go through the (literal) fire like shadrack, meshack and that bad negro (adendego) for not bowing down when the music is played in front of the golden statue of King Nebuchadnezzar. Perhaps, we may be put in prison or in a Lion's Den like the prophet Daniel because he wouldn't stop praying to his God openly. What about Abraham who was ask to sacrifice his son and at the last moment the angel stopped Abraham and provided a ram? Finally, Job he lost it all. But, refuse to curse his God.

How far will we go to show our loyalty to God? That is the question for 2009. When people will say that you and I have lost our minds. When they say it is a no brainer, just do whatever to survive. The notables, Daniel and the other felt like it was a no brainer to be faithful and loyal. What about you? When this nation is tested on religious matter. When the government says you do this or else. Will we say I have to survive and do what they say eventhough it goes against what you believe.I hope that we will all stand as loyal follower of God.

My friends I want you to see this. When God's people are tested and eventhough the test may appear like you will die because of the situation we should be loyal and faithful anyway. When it seems like what God is asking is not from God we need to ask God is this from you. When he says yes then we ought to trust him. Why? It's is the trials that draw us closer to God. It is the test and trials that help us to see His power. What we also see is that his thoughts are not our thought or His ways our ways.God can see if we are faithful that he can be trusted. What was suppose to happen to Daniel in the Lion's Den? He was suppose to be eaten. Was he devour by the Lion's? No! What about the 3 Hebrew boys did they burn in the fire? No!, not a hair was burned on their heads. But, those that threw them in were burned. Those who were thrown in the Lion's Den after Daniel were they eaten? Yes!. Did Job die when he we experience all this pain, No!

What I'm getting at is in spite of our circumstances God can deliver you. Perhaps, Daniel thought that God would deliver him before he got in the Lion's Den. Perhaps, the 3 Hebrew boys thought the same. Perhaps, Abraham thought God would change his mind before he got up to the mountain to sacrifice his son. Perhaps, that young woman thought when she gave her tithe money someone would come knocking on her door to pay her light bill and she would not have to be in the 30 degree temperature home with no lights. In all these instances they went through the fire, the Lion's Den, the pain,agony, the darkness and the cold. But, they all lived and their faith in God was multiplied. My friends God was also exalted among men. These individuals were exalted among men. God lifted them up and rewarded them for their loyalty. Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys received higher position in government. Abraham became the Father of many nations. Job had more children, cattle, and more of everything that he had lost. They all went through what they thought would cost them their lives or someone else's life. But, all were delivered in extreme situations. Praise God!

What about the sister that had her lights cut off because she decided to give God her tithe (10% of her earnings) money? My question is did God eventually deliver her from the cold? We may never ever know. But, what we do know is that he can and has delivered others. I'm sure he did deliver her. I hope to here from her one of these days. If he has done for others he can do it for you and I. We also know that God rewards the faithful. How will God exalt this woman? We may never know, but he has exalted many in the past for being loyal. The things that we may do when God speaks to us may seem out of the ordinary. But, if it's truly God speaking remember this. He wants you to be faithful for an important reason. In Daniel day the King saw the faithfulness of Daniel and exalted Daniel's God before the people. Perhaps, many began to serve Daniel's God who was and is the true and living God. Isn't that the main purpose anyway to show the world that you believe in Jesus and His teachings? Isn't that what Christianity is all about? Why should anything dictate otherwise? How far will you go?

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