Friday, March 13, 2009

No Need To Fear, God Got This!

In life we have our up and downs. At times it seems like we have more downs than ups. But, I say my friends no need to fear. Do you remember the very real story of David and Goliath? This story can be found in 1 Samuel Chapter 17. Goliath held the a whole nation of Israel hostage for 40 days due to his challenge. You see Goliath was a soldier from the Philistine army. He was no ordinary soldier. He was a champion. He was the best. Goliath was also a giant. Some say that he was 9 feet and others say that he was taller. It was evident that Goliath was a large in statue because when the Israelites look upon him they became afraid and ran. What is so strange about this story is that this giant of a man also wore a special armor. In those days all the soldier wore armor. But, his armor was unique.It appeared that his armor could not be penetrated. It protected him from defeat. I'm sure all of Israel look at him and his armor and wondered how could we defeat this man? They were fill with doom and gloom. They could see that it was possible and they lost hope.

So, the men of Israel who were suppose to be representing the God of the Universe were afraid. All most all of the men of war seem to had forgotten what God had done for them in the past. But, not a little shepard boy named David. David was not afraid. He said to King Saul,"Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine".

David has several things going for him. He didn't forget how God had led him in the past. He was also used to fighting giants in the power of God. He also had a relationship with God. David would talk to God like we talk to friends each day. David had learned ti trust God and depend on His wisdom. David had faith God would help Israel to be victorious. The King of Israel and the army of God seem to had lost faith. This was evident with King Saul who said to David go ahead and fight Goliath. He even told him to use his armor. Have you ever really thought about what the King did? He told a little shepard boy to go and fight a giant. The agreement was that the loser would have to be a slave to the winner.That meant that one nation would have to be the slave to the other. The King entrusted a little boy with the freedom of the nation.

So, as the story goes David goes out to meet the giant against his brother's wishes. David has no armor. He's a boy and not a man. He is just equipped with a sling and a few small stone. The giant Goliath sees him coming. He can't believe his eyes. Perhaps he thought that Israel was trying to get him to surrender. How would it look if he beat up on a little boy. Goliath was furious. In 1 Samuel 17:43 Goliath says," am I a dog, that thou comest against to me with staves. A staves is a rod or stick. Note, David has no sword, no javelin, no shield, and no armor. Is he calling David a stick? We may never know, but it kind of sounds like it. It's just David, God, a sling and a few smooth stones. Goliath curses David out. David tells Goliath that he has come to him in the name of the Lord. Then he shockingly says,"I will smite thee and take thy head off" (1Samuel 17:46). My friends David did just that. David put one smooth stone in his sling and as the confident cocky giant who had his helmet lifted came toward David and was struck by the stone in the forehead and it killed him. David later beheaded him.The giant defied God and the armies of God. He didn't realize who he was messing with. He also didn't realize that his armor was his only protection.

1.My friends if you're on God side the giants in your life (the bills, the debts, the court case, the bully, the sluggish economy, etc) can and will come tumbling down. We serve a God who slays giants.

2.It doesn't matter what your size,shape,age or who you are God can give your the knowledge and the power.

3. My friends David by God power David prevented a nation from becoming slaves. He can give you the same power to do the same in any nation as well.

4. God has a miraculous work for you to do. Don't be afraid of the giants. He will give you the victory over them. "Walk by faith not by sight".

5. If you don't have a relationship with God start one today. It is better late than never. It is simply done just talk to God like you are talking to a friend and trust in him.Trust in His Holy Word the Bible. The enemy of our soul Satan is a giant that come at us daily through individuals, but He doesn't really know who he is messing with. He is messing with God's child. God will to turn your despair into hope and your darkness into sunshine. No need to fear my friend, God's got this!

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