Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Benefits of Christianity-The 1st Commandment

The first commandment emphasizes that we should have no other gods before God (Exodus 20:3). It goes on to say that we shall not bow down thyself down to any graven images. Why is God saying this? What is wrong with bowing down to other gods? What are the benefits of just serving God over other gods?

Jesus said," if you love me keep my commandments". The 1st commandment is one of those commandments. We are showing God love if we do not put other gods before him. What benefit do I receive from doing this?

* In serving God and God alone we will have peace of mind. The Bible says," a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). A double-minded man is often confused. Some try to serve God and other gods. "No man can serve two Master's for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other..."(Mt 6:24). My friends mental stability is a blessing and not a curse. Many around the world today are experiencing trouble in their life because they have simply too many gods in their life. They put these gods before God.

*In serving God and not the other gods we will be more educated in spiritual things like no other. Do remember the prophet Daniel and many of the faithful Bible character. They were blessed with gifts others didn't have. Perhaps, God wants to do the same for us.

*If you don't have the Holy Spirit, God will send the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. This is a promise. This elevated and high thinking is above and beyond the way that common man normally thinks. One writer wrote says this,"higher than the highest human thought is God's ideal for His people". The Word puts it another way,"let this mind be in your which was also in Christ Jesus"(Php 2:5). Jesus was intelligent and wise. King Solomon was the wises King, but Jesus wisdom surpassed Soloman's.

*(More benefits). When you serve the true God he continues to bless you. He makes you happy. He provides for you. He protects you.He guides you each and every step of your life.This is not to say that he doesn't provided for those who don't obey. He rains blessings on the just and the unjust. But, for the faithful follower the blessings that are turned away by the one who tries to serve the others gods are felt, realized and appreciated by the faithful. This is why the followers of God are more blessed. He or she recognizes the blessings and what God has done.

*One thing that is really important in the lives of other is trust. The benefit of trust will grow daily. Each day when you awake you will know that there is someone that you can trust to help you make good decisions, keep your personal business intact and also your inner most thoughts.

*A key in the Christian experience is faith. In following God your faith will grow. In your relationship with Him you will see what he is capable of doing in incredible situations for you and others. Remember, Daniel in the Lion's den, The three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, John the Revelation in the hot boiling oil. They didn't just survive. They were delivered by God without any harm coming to them. If you try to serve God and others gods you will become confuse. Ask the Doctors who deal with some mentally ill patients. One moment they are praising God and the next moment they are cursing Him or praising Satan. It is really sad to say this, but it is true. If we live a life deliberately doing wrong and trying to justify it,then try to serve God at the same time we to may end up in a mental institution. We simply have to choose one. I hope and pray that we will all choose the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The one who came to set the captives free from sin and Satan.

*Finally, when we put no other gods before the God of the Universe we are saved from destruction. Who is behind these other gods? The enemy of our souls is really the god behind these other gods of brass,fiberglass,gold,stone,steel,wood,etc. In praising these other gods there is no destiny.There is no happy end or an end to look forward to. The God of Heaven doesn't mine us having nice things as long as our love for these things do not supersede our love for him. The praise and devotion to these gods will lead to death and death eternal. Why not choose life and life eternal?

There are really so many benefits perhaps you can share a few based on the first commandment.

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